About Us
In this era of modernization, the world today has achieved various heights in various dimensions, such as we are discussing high-end scientific inventions like Genome editing, Brain mapping, developing a new Era of Artificial Intelligence, detection of a minute particle to discovery of Gravitational waves, coding mysterious decisions (of life & death) to discovering CRISPR, discussing on Invisible reality, exploring hidden dimensions of Universe etc. etc. But still recall, can we claim that every member of our society is aware of these developments? Perhaps “No”. And that’s the reasons we are gathered here and trying to make a change.
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals has given us the blue print to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. SDGs address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice. The Goals interconnect and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve each Goal and target by 2030.
We are focusing on the foundation of sustainable development for a society which is “Quality Education”, Its 4th of the 17 UN SDGs. Quality Education is a foremost important parameter for the development of a progressive society which made up of rational beings.
Through this portal, we are introducing you our Initiative the “IML Initiative”, primarily dedicated to providing Science Education for all.
As a first step, we are introducing quality Mathematical Sciences courses for all needy students for free, however there are many more steps in pipeline and will publish soon.
We are designing our model in such a manner so that money mustn’t an obstacle in studies for un-affordable class of students.
Our core Philosophy is “No student should stop studying due to lack of Money”, there shouldn’t be a barrier of money in achieving Quality Education. We pray Education for all.
More Details can be found at our website
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